“People often think about, and make reference to, the physical demands that sport places on an individual but neglect mindset and mental, which is just as important.”
These are the thoughts of Richard Taylor, an Expert Mindset and Performance Coach, who Blake Angliss has been working closely with over the last year to ensure he is mentally prepared to challenge for success on the race track.

Through a tailored wellness plan incorporating Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy, Taylor has been focusing on helping Angliss to eradicate limiting beliefs, remove negative emotions and put compelling strategies in place.
Blake Angliss: “Working with Richard has been a huge help for me. It’s hard to explain exactly what the therapies do to me, it’s one of those things that you have to do to notice the change. It does work though and has helped me know how to react to the emotions in my conscious mind.
“It’s really allowed me to come out of my comfort zone too. For example, I used to struggle with worrying about people behind me on the race track. Rather than going forwards, I was looking in my mirrors and ended up going backwards.
“I worked with Richard on turning off my reaction to that, to believe that while there’s someone behind me, I can still carry on what I’m doing and focus on my race. I just do me, they do them, and I’ve noticed this season already that it’s really worked for me. It’s been about allowing me to push myself further out of my comfort zone and being comfortable being there.”
Richard Taylor: “Mindset Coaching has the ability to bring out the best in an individual who wants to take action. Throughout my coaching career I have seen some of the best results from people who have unlocked potential they never knew they had.
“Over the past year I have been working with Blake and he is proving to be one of the most driven athletes I have ever worked with. Blake and his team have displayed pure focus and the determination to pick apart every element of his racing career so far, in order to gain every miniscule advantage possible.
“This winning mentality has led Blake to make sure that his mindset and mental wellbeing are in positive and powerful shape for the racing season. The coaching process has been super successful thus far and that is largely down to Blake’s focused attitude and desire to be the best.
“This season we will be drilling down into Blake’s driving DNA to maximise his potential. No stone will be left unturned to ensure that Blake, and the team, have every opportunity to be pushing to the front in every single race. I’m looking forward to more 1:1 sessions in person and being in continuous contact to support Blake on race weekends.”